Welcome to My Fishing Ventures, an informative and up to date informations on fishing tackle, fishing tips and reports of my latest fishing experiences in both freshwater and saltwater! I hope that you find these infos helpful and I look forward to your comments.

Lake Hemet During the Earthquacke

After the 4th of July holiday, my wife and I decided to go away to Idyllwild for a few days. We got the on Tuesday morning, check in to our cabin and just checkout the town the rest of the day. Beautiful little town..

We got up the next morning and headed down to Lake Hemet, which was about 10 miles away from where we were staying. Got to the lake late in the morning, rented a boat and started fishing some the small coves we found. We fished from the boat until a little after noon when the wind started blowing hard.
When the wind started howling, it really made it hard to control the boat so we decided to turn the boat in and fish from shore.

We headed outside the fenced in area and drove over to the end of the lake and found this little cove all to ourselves. Started fishing for bass for awhile but to no luck, but then started seeing lots of frys on the swimming around, they I see this shaddow on the water chasing each others. Got the light gear out, tied on a small hook and cut up nightcrawler.

First cast, hook a nice sunfish then another, the another. It stayed that way for a couple of hours, it seemed that we found and spawning bed for sunfish and bluegills. 
We were on a hot bite for awhile, with fish on every cast until the earthquacke hit. I've never experience an earthquacke while fishing. All we heard was this rolling noise, cracking rocks and birds flying. We weren't really sure what was going on till the ground started shaking, which was pretty cool. Anyways, the bite somehow turned off after that, so we headed back to Idyllwild.

It was fun fishing a lake for the first time. Weather was nice, it was warm but not as hot as it usually is this time of the year.

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